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KMPS Parents/Carers

Early help and support services

Early intervention help within Leicester City 

Early help assessment is for children, young people and their families to refer for support from a multi-agency team. This section contains information on how to make a referral. This can be completed by yourselves or contact the pastoral team if you would like help. This link is for people living in Leicester City Council.

0116 4541004

Early intervention help within Leicestershire 

Children and Family Wellbeing Service provides early help services - these services can be offered at any point at a child's life, where a child is experiencing some difficulties which cannot be supported by universal services, such as schools or GPs alone. They provide a range of services which include The Triple P parenting groups, CBT based support for children aged 8-19 years. This link contains the referral form for those who live in Leicestershire. This can be completed by yourselves or contact the pastoral team if you need help.

 0116 3058727

Household support fund 

The Household Support Fund aims to help households in most need with food, energy vouchers or essential kitchen equipment. This scheme aims to support those who have not received financial support from the government Cost of Living Payment, and the previous phases of the Household Support Fund. It also aims to support those on a low income, have limited savings, and are particularly at risk due to factors such as disabilities or caring for young children. 


Leicester city support directory 

Advice, Information and Support to Parents/Carers regarding Behavioural and Emotional Difficulties at home

My Choice is a directory for care and support services for people living within the Leicester City area. There are services linked to health and wellbeing, support to live at home, places to live, financial and legal support, children services, keeping safe, carers and leisure and communities. 

Leicestershire support directory 

Links with all agencies 

This information and support directory provides information on many useful local organisations and activities within the Leicestershire area. The directory includes information on Leisure activities, support groups and services, advice and guidance, disabilities and SEN groups, schools and education and learning support. 

Family Hubs Leicestershire 

Family hubs have been established to support families, children and young people across Leicestershire. Working with partnership organisations, the hubs provide a one-stop shop and offer advice, information and resources to help families navigate every stage of life; from pregnancy, through your child's early years, later childhood and into young adulthood. 

Debt and relationships